Membership can be through the National Society as an "At-Large" member or through a National Society Chapter.
Membership is open to any woman 18 years of age or older provided she is a direct lineal or collateral descendant (legal adoption shall not qualify for lineal or collateral descent) of a man or woman who rendered military or civil service to the Union during the years 1861-1865. Documentary proof of the ancestor's service in one of the following categories is necessary for admission into the Society.
- Served honorably in the Union Army or Navy (a military or pension record from the National Archives or honorable discharge certificate is required, when available)
- Served in a pro-Union county or state militia or home guard
- Served as a civilian employee of Union forces
- Rendered material aid, medical attention, or comfort to Union forces
- Served as a member of President Lincoln's cabinet
- Served as an employee of the Federal government
- Suffered the loss of personal property or personal liberty due to unfailing allegiance to the Union
Junior membership is open to any female child under 18 years of age who meets the eligibility requirements above.
The membership application and instructions, can be obtained on the National Society website https://www.NSDU.org/Membership.html.
If you have any membership questions or need assistance filling out the application, please contact our Chapter Registrar at PJBC43016REGISTRAR@gmail.com.